Does your product have great potential? Are you short on funding or resources but strive to succeed? There are many Product People with an ambition to become better Product Leaders. And companies, such as start-ups or other organizations, with untapped potential, pushing to develop their capabilities and business.

Tolpagorni has set out to help those without the financial strength to push good product people into the great arena by establishing a scholarship that will cover up to 75% of the costs for a standard Individual ticket for the ISPMA Certified Product Manager program.

If you find one of those situations is applicable, you can apply to the Tolpagorni scholarship for the ISPMA Certified Product Manager program. If you meet the following criteria, you may submit an application for the scholarship:

  • You must either work in a start-up or a part of a business with scares resources
  • and you have limited experience in Product Management or have experience from another product-related role
  • further, you must see great potential for your product, or you need to revitalize your product

If you meet these criteria, you can fill out the form below and we will review your application. Note, it can take up to three weeks for a decision to be made and an appeal will not be possible.